Smiling Restauranter Frequently asked questions
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gerne navn eller beskrivelse af betjeningen, eller dag og tidspunkt.
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Provinser | | By | 19-11-2021 | Wills Kogan |
I can not choose my region and City
I would very much like to set up my restaurant on Smiling restaurants and but I can not choose my region
Hermitage Hill Country Retreat
135 Maxwell Street
NSW 2820 Australia . |
Tonny Parnell 30-11-2021 05:37:57 |
5 enig | 3 uenig |
 |  |
I can not choose my region and City
Ok Mr. Hogan here you have the explanation.
We have divided all countries into Cities - Neighborhoods - Provinces - Regions countries and continents.
Hermitage Hill Country Retreat is located in Willington - New South Wales Australia
The 141 counties of New South Wales as well as the thousands of neighborhoods we have not yet registered and therefore is not yet open to the countries of the Pacific continent.
We have to regret to announce that it will take another one to two years before the Pacific and Asia are completely divided as Europe and SmilingDinner can offer restaurants massive GLOBAL marketing.